


VENUE: Ningbo, China

2022 Forum on Carbon Material Technology for High Energy Density

UPDATE: October 12, 2022


2022 Forum on Carbon Material Technology for High Energy Density Batteriesy will be held at Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo, China from October 12-14, 2022, with the theme of "Carbon" to explore the infinite future. The conference was held in Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo from October 12-14, 2022n, with the theme of "Carbon" for an unlimited future.


As we all know, carbon materials have a wide range of applications in the field of batteries due to their own structural morphology diversity, excellent electrical conductivity and good electrochemical stability, and are key materials to promote the progress and development of battery technology, and China has a good industrial base and technological innovation capability in this field.


Therefore, carbon materials for batteries is an important industry field that concerns the development prospect of battery technology in China, with both opportunities and challenges, and requires the joint efforts of the industry upstream and downstream counterparts to continuously strengthen the industrial foundation and promote industrial upgrading through continuous technological innovation.


To this end, this conference invites battery R&D and production units, anode and cathode materials and equipment manufacturing enterprises to gather in Ningbo to discuss advanced carbon materials technology, strengthen the in-depth interaction between academia and industry, and explore the infinite future of "carbon"! We look forward to your attention!


香港九龙湾常悦道1号, 恩浩国际中心22C

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